Haircuts and Happiness
Last month when both T and GW* needed haircuts, T decided 'we' should get one of those home clippers and do The Boys'** haircuts at home. I survived the first round, and this morning managed to survive round 2. T doesn't look half bad! Apparently a new talent I never would have discovered on my own. But still anxiety-inducing, for me. I just keep telling myself it increases my yarn budget!
The happiness bit? Today, T, GW and I drove into Manhattan and saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway. The happiness began when I got tickets half price from some discount online spot yesterday morning. You see, I'm a bit of a theatre nut*** and it's tough to live a little over an hour out of Manhattan and see so few shows....this is the third since moving to Connecticut 2-1/2 years ago. GW did so well for a 3-1/2 year old. His first Broadway show! Brings tears to this mother's eyes. Most of dinner and the drive home he kept saying, "My favorite part of Beauty and the Beast is..." And as if that wasn't enough, we found parking about 10 blocks from the theatre. On the street. FOR FREE. Legal, even. The garage a block away? $27 something plus tax.
Oh, you're here for knitting content? I did manage to complete 4 rows of Kiri on the drive down and back, before the ambient light became insufficient. I'm beginning to think I was a bit 'round the bend when I decided to do Kiri on size 4's...I'm up to somewhere around 355 stitches per row, on my 12th pattern repeat and I think I'll be going about 17 or 18 repeats to get my desired size and I'm adding 24 stitches per repeat....argh! The math boggles my mind....I'm probably better off not knowing how many stitches I 'get' to purl every WS row...Yes this IS my first major lace project. I really do love it, and hope I haven't completely lost it to think I can WEAR it to this charity event T and I work every year. It's Columbus Day weekend. What do you think? I'm also hoping to finish Something Ecru next weekend and cast-on my KSKS socks...sigh. So much knitting, so little time.
I'm off to purl my way into dreamland...
*Henceforth, GW, my sparkly 3 year old, airplane obsessed child, will be known as Flyboy
**I often refer to my husband, T and Flyboy as My Boys; borrowed from my mother who refers to my brother and father in this manner, something I find quite endearing
***I once stood in line for 5 hours for a return ticket to the Phantom of the Opera matinee in London's West End, got out of that and had approximately 40 minutes to eat something and get to the evening performance of Les Miserables. Yes, both in the same day. Seriously.