Late to the Party
Um, hi. My name is Anne. I'm a Podcastaholic. I kept hearing about this podcast and that from various... enablers. Finally, I gave in. Today. I downloaded Lime & Violet. And Cast-On. All of them. Let's not talk about how many....episodesI have listened to today, OK? But what I'm really worried about is this: once I make it through all these episodes, with only one new episode each per week, then how do I get my fix? I'm not ready to look through that door just yet...gulp.
In actual knitting news, I continue to plug away at Something Red and Kiri.
Did I hear you ask what yarn I am using? Why, I'd be happy to tell you. I bought 4 of these:

Just a few more rows on the cardi, then off to dreamland...
Oooo, Miss V and I are drooling over your projects! Kiri is something on Miss V's list and Something Red is on my list.
Thanks for the great post on our blog. When you're caught up on all of the back episodes of L&V and Cast On, we have plenty more to suggest for your listening pleasure...muahahaha!
Miss Lime
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