So I've been mulling over beginnings, fresh starts, new ideas this first week of the new year. I"m not much for resolutions; the word itself raises the hackles of the rebellious teenager in me. Some thoughts percolating for a while have manifested in the form of "__-along"'s, such as
Knit from your Stash 2007 and
100 miles by April 1st. It seems that
Project Spectrum 2.0 fits nicely into my planned 2007 knitting, so I may as well join them all! Too lazy to add buttons right now, however. Ahem.

My current knitting goals are as follows:
1. Finish T's Christmas socks--only 2 inches of 3x1 ribbing to go...
I added some reinforcing yarn to the heel. It's not nearly this contrasty in real life, but I love the subtly shifting color thang of the trekking.
2. Finish thuja socks for nephew . Same yarn, pattern, and size as ones for Dad. Should go fast.

3. Knit jaywalkers for niece, out of
Lisa Souza sport weight merino once it arrives. Should go fast, she's only 7 with a 20cm long foot.
4. Knit
Bonne Marie's Ariann out of Araucania Nature Wool, procured from
Webs over the New Year's weekend, on closeout! 6 skeins for under $30!!

5. Knit Hourglass sweater
from Last Minute Knitted Gifts out of
natural silver alpaca from A Touch of Twist. Or some variation thereof. Many thoughts swirling, will get back to you.
6. Knit 8 pairs of socks for ME from my sock yarn stash. Yes, I know I've got nothing on some people, who shall remain linkless. But I adore it all so much I can't stand to have it just hangin' around anymore. I've got enough here for 18 pairs, including 5 skeins of Trekking, 4 skeins of Socks That Rock, 2 skeins of Schaefer's Anne, enough for a pair each of Sundara, Wildfoote, Ellen's 1/2 Pint Farm, Lorna's Laces, and 3 unknown inherited skeins, 2 possibly Mountain Bearfoot:

I see some Project Spectrum potential in that pile!
7. Finish the Clapotis I started before Thanksgiving and gift it already. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your perspective), the giftee has no idea it is happening, so no motivation to put it tops on the list.
Non-knitting goals are not so concrete. I know I want to be more fit, and for motivation Runagogo fits the bill. My plan is to ski my way to April on my NordicTrak--no snow required! Which is a good thing given the high today was a balmy 70+F. I would also like to do more sewing this year. I have some fabric and vague ideas.
The rest of this month is going to busy, too. My parents arrive Thursday night for Flyboy's birthday on the 14th (FOUR! He's going to be four!) Then T, Flyboy and I jet off to Disney World for a long weekend. Somewhere in there I must send off my Secret Pal 9 package. It's almost ready.
Maybe I can finish T's sock tonight or tomorrow, and put one goal into the completed category.
Labels: Goals, Socks, Stash