Sittin 'n Knittin

musings on knitting, family and life in general

Friday, September 29, 2006

Here, There, Everywhere

I have been an FO fiend lately...behold:

Two lovely cotton baby beanies from Erika Knight's Simple Knits for Cherished Babies

Baby Blue Jeans from Last Minute Knitted Gifts...these are so freakin' cute I can hardly stand it! TWO co-workers are prego, baby shower next week. I, however, will not be in attendance as I will be working here which I am looking forward to, except for the Getting There & Back part. You see, Getting There involves flying to Minnesota with Flyboy to drop him with my parents, then flying to San Diego 2 days later. then I work my a** off to help make the event a success and raise $$$ for the Susan G. Komen Foundation only to turn around and fly back to MN a week from Monday, and back to CT the next day. If I were anal enough to add it all up, that would total 8 flights, 3 layovers in O'Hare, 1 in Dallas, and roughly 17.5 hours of flying in 10 days. At least I can bring my knitting with me, even if I must check my hair gel.

Which leads me to this:
I jumped on the bandwagon, it's true. My goal for Socktoberfest is to finish my current pair of two-toe-up-at-once Falling Leaves socks, and complete 2 other pairs of socks, yarn/patterns TBD.

Speaking of Falling Leaves, here is my current status: both heels turned, few more rows of plain stockinette at the Achilles and launch into the lace pattern all the way 'round.

*Sigh* I apologize for the rambling, scattered nature of this post, but I have tons to do before we leave. Just trying to get into better blogging habits!

PS Did you happen to notice who commented on my last entry?! (she asked, beaming)

Monday, September 25, 2006

We Close Our Eyes

We close our eyes and the world has turned around again
We close our eyes and dream and another year has come and gone
We close our eyes and the world has turned around again
We close our eyes and dream...
Oingo Boingo

Yet another year has come and gone, but at least the new one is off to a good start! I had a wonderful dinner out with my boys At Abbott's Lobster in the here.

Why, yes that is my ribby cardi and thank you for asking.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Kiri done...needs blocking...not coherent now.... more to follow after sleep...

Monday, September 18, 2006

(I) See a Little Light

Forgive me my momentary late 80's flashback* as I count down the final rows until the completion of Kiri. I'm hoping to finish before Friday. Sort of my last major accomplishment before....let's just say "entering my late 30's". Lends an air of sophistication, don't you think?

Back to Kiri, I just completed the first row of the last repeat before the edging. Only 19 rows and what is sure to be a hellish bind-off (I'm sure I'll accompany it with a stiff drink) before BLOCKING! No, I haven't blocked Something Ecru yet. Or finished weaving in the ends. The sudden 80-degree days don't provide much motivation to finish a sweater. It will happen. There will be evidence.

We had our Yarn Swap this weekend, photos here and here. I'll post photos of the goods soon. Suffice it to say I am beyond happy with my booty!

And just a friendly reminder, tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrr!

*Anybody get my reference? Anyone? Bueller? Anybody even reading this?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Excuse me, waiter, this glass has a hole in the bottom

Many moons ago, I had a co-worker who was, in a word, negative. Her glass wasn't half empty, it had a hole in the bottom. I learned, albeit a bit slowly, to never ask this particular person how the weekend was, or any question that left an opening for the inevitable sigh followed by "Well..." and the litany of things that went wrong. In her, I saw a reflection of my own tendency to be hyper-critical. I am a Virgo after all, and have a certain reputation to uphold. I do make a concerted effort to keep my criticisms to myself. Unless, of course, I find myself seated next to Clairee Belcher, because you know what she says: if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me! My husband fills this role for me, allowing me to get the minor tirades out of my system. Somehow, this makes it easier for me to find the things or moments to appreciate and remember.

So here are a few of the things I will remember from this weekend, in no particular order:
The bride and groom were beautiful and happy.
The wedding cake was amazing.
The DJ was kickin' and Flyboy had a fabu time dancing with cousins and new friends.
The rain started well after the outdoor activities finished.
I never have to eat lobster at the Peaks Island Lions Club ever again in my life.
(I do love lobster...when cooked sufficiently)

My Something Ecru, the knitting portion, is completed. I had the goal of finishing it before we went to Maine this past weekend. Casting off the final stitch a mere mile from the Maine border counts, does it not? No photos as it needs some serious blocking. I am having a bit of a "hole in the bottom of the glass" moment about it, wondering if blocking will fix the button band or if I must re-knit.....Please keep fingers crossed for me!

Kiri is...I'm not really sure where she is right now. Suffice it to say, I have not been actively working on her. I hope to jump back in now that the cardi is "done". In a fit of desire for a fresh face and renewed enthusiasm, I did cast on my Falling Leaves socks, the pattern my KSKS pal sent me with that beautiful violet yarn. I am working them both, 2 socks on 2 needles, toe up. I like the way the pattern is turning out, but still don't feel comfortable knitting without the chart. And it's a really easy chart! I'm not sure if my heart isn't in it right now, or if it just isn't intuitive enough for me. At any rate, I WILL memorize this pattern and I get to turn the heels in another inch and a half or so.

As soon as I recharge the camera battery, I'll have photos, including some yarn p*rn!