I have been an FO fiend lately...behold:

Two lovely cotton baby beanies from Erika Knight's Simple Knits for Cherished Babies

Baby Blue Jeans from Last Minute Knitted Gifts...these are so freakin' cute I can hardly stand it! TWO co-workers are prego, baby shower next week. I, however, will not be in attendance as I will be working
here which I am looking forward to, except for the Getting There & Back part. You see, Getting There involves flying to Minnesota with Flyboy to drop him with my parents, then flying to San Diego 2 days later. then I work my a** off to help make the event a success and raise $$$ for the
Susan G. Komen Foundation only to turn around and fly back to MN a week from Monday, and back to CT the next day. If I were anal enough to add it all up, that would total 8 flights, 3 layovers in O'Hare, 1 in Dallas, and roughly 17.5 hours of flying in 10 days. At least I can bring my knitting with me, even if I must check my hair gel.
Which leads me to this:

I jumped on the bandwagon, it's true. My goal for Socktoberfest is to finish my current pair of two-toe-up-at-once Falling Leaves socks, and complete 2 other pairs of socks, yarn/patterns TBD.
Speaking of Falling Leaves, here is my current status: both heels turned, few more rows of plain stockinette at the Achilles and launch into the lace pattern all the way 'round.

*Sigh* I apologize for the rambling, scattered nature of this post, but I have tons to do before we leave. Just trying to get into better blogging habits!
PS Did you happen to notice
who commented on my last entry?! (she asked, beaming)
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